You’ve had your current water heater for many years—more than 15—and you’ve recently noticed that it’s starting to fall behind at doing its job. Maybe your heating bills are going up, or the amount of water available for morning showers has decreased, or you’ve spotted corrosion developing along the tank. Whatever the reason, you’ve made the choice to retire the old water heater and have a new one put in.
Should you install a tank water heater to replace it? Or should you go with a different type, like a hybrid water heater?
The first step is to give our team a call
You should never attempt to make a choice about a water heater replacement on your own, unless you’re a professional installer. There are too many factors at play for you to leave this to anybody except professionals. When you call us to arrange for water heater replacement, we’ll make sure that you end up with the unit that meets your household’s hot water requirements and fits with your budget plans.
Why you should give the hybrid water heater serious consideration
Regarding the specifics of a hybrid water heater, it’s a combination of a standard tank water heater with the operation of a tankless unit. Most of the time, it heats up water “on demand” the way that a tankless water heater does, so the system consumes less energy than a conventional water heater. However, a hybrid system also keeps a smaller tank of hot water in reserve in case the on demand system starts to lose energy efficiency and can’t keep up. If a tankless water heater isn’t suited to your house because there’s too much demand for hot water, then a hybrid system might be the best choice for a replacement.
Contact Oasis Heating, A/C & Refrigeration in Fairfax, VA when you’re looking to have water heater replacement.