Oasis Heating, A/C & Refrigeration Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Information’

The Role of Refrigerant in Your Air Conditioner

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

A common misunderstanding that people often have regarding air conditioning systems is that ice is used at some point in the process of cooling the air. This is why it’s easy to ignore the formation of ice along the evaporator coil—which is actually a sign of a major malfunction in the system that needs to be addressed.

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Does Frayed Wiring Necessitate Air Conditioning Repair in Alexandria, VA?

Monday, August 21st, 2017

Frayed wiring can be a concern no matter where it appears, and usually requires the services of a trained professional to address. Have no doubts: frayed wiring definitely necessitates air conditioning repair, usually sooner rather than later.

A frayed wire can result from many conditions, ranging from normal wear and tear to friction created by a faulty connection. In the most benign cases, it can interfere with power to one of more components in the HVAC unit. In more serious cases, the frayed wire can result in a complete short, cutting power to the air conditioner entirely. The breaker switches in your home may cut off electrical power automatically in such cases to prevent further damage (or an electrical fire). The components of many air conditioning units carry emergency shut-off switches, which do much the same thing in the event of a major short.

It can be difficult to diagnose this type of problem, but a technician can usually do it by testing the wiring systematically and/or checking the component involved to see that it’s functioning effectively. If frayed wiring is the cause, he should be able to replace it with new wiring, and secure that it in place so that it doesn’t cause any further issues. Only a professional service tech should attempt such repairs; electricity is nothing to play around with. And the longer a frayed wiring is left in place, the greater the chance of a short, or of additional damage being caused.

You can call upon a trained Alexandria, VA air conditioning specialist to handle the issue instead of a general electrician. HVAC technicians understand the specific components involved, and can insure that the problem is not a part of the unit itself instead of just the wire. A general electrician can only deal with the wire itself. The experts at OASIS Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Inc. can help you with any air conditioning repair in Alexandria, VA. Call us today and set up an appointment.

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Pollutants That Professionally Installed Air Filters Will Remove

Thursday, August 10th, 2017

Since indoor air quality is a major concern today in the country (the EPA estimates that the air inside a home is often 3 to 4 times worse than that outside) people are looking for an effective way to remove the many contaminants that may be floating around their air. There are many solutions to poor indoor air quality, but the most common is the installation of media air filters, which trap particles as they try to move through them. These filters use no electrical power, and if properly matched to the HVAC system by professionals they will not reduce air flow or place strain on the air conditioner or heater.

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Alexandria, VA Air Conditioning FAQ: What is Refrigerant?

Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Refrigerant is a catch-all term referring to various types of chemicals used in air conditioning systems: necessary to cool the air in your home and generally make life more comfortable. In Alexandria, VA, air conditioning is vital during the heat and humidity of summer. How, exactly, does an AC use refrigerant? Let’s take a look.

For starters, we need to understand the sorts of properties refrigerant that makes the air conditioning process possible. Refrigerants need to be able to stay liquid when very cold (much below the freezing temperature of water, for example) in order to cool the air in your home. They also need to  have a boiling point below room temperature, so it is easy to have the refrigerant return to its gaseous form. In order to understand why these characteristics are important, you need to understand the refrigerant cycle.

In basic terms, the process works like this:

  • Gaseous refrigerant enters the AC unit’s compressor, which increases the pressure and raises the gas’s temperature.
  •  The refrigerant passes through condenser coils, dissipating the heat and returning the refrigerant to a liquid state (though keeping it under high pressure).
  • The refrigerant enters an expansion valve and passes through a set of evaporator coils. It evaporates back into gaseous form and cools the air around the coils in the process.
  • A fan blows across the coils, and the refrigerant absorb the heat from the air blowing over it, creating cool air which then passes through the duct system and into your house.
  • The refrigerant gas returns to the compressor and the process repeats itself.

Theoretically, this all takes place in a closed system, which retains the refrigerant indefinitely as it cycles through the process. In reality, however, leaks are possible. A loss of refrigerant impacts your system’s efficiency and the leak will need to be located and sealed by a licensed professional. For air conditioning service in Alexandria, VA, the technicians at OASIS Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Inc. are here to help. We can recharge your refrigerant, identify and seal and leaks, and otherwise keep your system performing at its peak. Contact us today to set up an appointment.

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What Does a Tankless Water Heater Installation Entail?

Sunday, July 30th, 2017

As its name implies, a tankless water heater system brings hot water to your home without using a tank. Instead, water circulates through a heat exchange, which raises its temperature before passing it on to your faucet. That saves energy since it only heats the water you need it. It also tends to make tankless water heaters smaller than traditional tanked water heaters, which means they take up less space. A tankless water heater in Alexandria, VA, can help you maintain an efficient home, saving you money on hot water costs without skimping on little luxuries like long showers.

What does a tankless water heater installation process entail? Specifics vary according to make and model, but the general steps are usually as follows:

  • You and your installer will discuss what the hot water requirements are for your home and select a model that fits both your water usage and your budget.
  • You and the installing technician determine the best location in your house for the tankless heater, according to your wishes and needs. Local building codes may apply.
  • The technician shuts off water to the house, then disconnects the old water heater from the water supply. The process is then repeated with the old water heater’s source of energy (usually gas or electricity).
  • The old water heater is removed and properly disposed of according to local ordinances.
  • The tankless water heater is mounted to the wall or otherwise secured firmly to the spot you and your technician have decided upon. The tech will then connect it to the water supply and hook it up to the heat source. This can be complicated because different types of water heaters will have different set-ups – only a trained technician is qualified to perform the installation.
  • The technician will then test the water heater and verify all connections are secure.

If you’re considering tankless water heater installation for your home call upon the experts at OASIS Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Inc. We’ve served the Alexandria, VA area for over fifteen years, and our technicians have the expertise to install your water heater quickly and professionally. Set up an appointment today.

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What Is A Split System AC?

Thursday, July 27th, 2017

If you’re in the market for a new AC, or just plain curious about the various types and brands on offer, then you may have wondered about what a “split” system is. Whether you are thinking about a heat pump, central air conditioner, or ductless mini split, they are all split systems. In this post, we’d like to run you through the basics of a split system so that you can stay informed about your air conditioning options. Call OASIS Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Inc. for exceptional air conditioning installation, repair, and maintenance services in Arlington, VA.

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3 Benefits of Ductless Cooling Systems

Friday, July 21st, 2017

Here in Arlington, you can’t go without an air conditioning system for very long. But if your home or new room addition does not have any ducts installed, you may rely on window air conditioners or room air conditioners to provide cool air. However, these systems are noisy, inefficient, and can be obtrusive as placement options are limited.

The solution to this problem? Ductless cooling! Ductless air conditioning systems are growing in popularity since ductwork installation in certain homes can be difficult, and because these systems are far more efficient and have more features than window air conditioners and even many central AC systems. We’ve detailed three benefits of ductless cooling systems below.

100% Ductless Cooling System

Ductless air conditioners use no ducts at all to cool your home. Instead, multiple indoor air handlers are installed in various areas of your home. This is advantageous for a couple of reasons. First, ductwork installation can be a huge hassle if you have an older home or if you are adding a room. Second, a lot of energy is lost in the ducts of a central air conditioning system. Ducts are prone to leaks that homeowners often cannot detect on their own, so they spend more money every month than is necessary cooling unused areas of the home.

Energy Efficiency of Ductless Cooling

Ductless air conditioners are typically very efficient. The SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio), printed on the EnergyGuide label of any AC system, can help you to determine how much money you’ll save every month, and ductless systems typically have very high SEERs. Furthermore, the lack of ductwork and addition of zone control can also help you save money on your energy bills.

Zone Control of Ductless Cooling System

Multiple indoor air handlers allow for zone control, which means you can control the temperature in different areas of your home independently of the other rooms. Your family members often have different temperature preferences, so zone control can help ensure everyone’s needs are met. It can also save you money; for example, if nobody occupies the upstairs rooms in the afternoon, you can switch off the AC upstairs to save energy.

When you decide to install a ductless cooling system in Arlington, call the team at OASIS Heating, A/C & Refrigeration, Inc. at 703-339-3877 to talk to a professional today!

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Why Should I Replace My Thermostat?

Tuesday, July 18th, 2017

It’s easy to put your home’s thermostat out of your mind. It sits unobtrusively on the wall, and you only need to manipulate it to adjust your comfort. The air conditioner and the heater seem to be working, so the thermostat must be just fine. Why would you want to replace it?

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Should I Replace My Old Tank Water Heater with a Hybrid?

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

You’ve had your current water heater for many years—more than 15—and you’ve recently noticed that it’s starting to fall behind at doing its job. Maybe your heating bills are going up, or the amount of water available for morning showers has decreased, or you’ve spotted corrosion developing along the tank. Whatever the reason, you’ve made the choice to retire the old water heater and have a new one put in.

Should you install a tank water heater to replace it? Or should you go with a different type, like a hybrid water heater?

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Alexandria, VA Air Conditioning Installation FAQ: Should I Go Ductless?

Sunday, July 9th, 2017

Is it time of you to replace your air conditioning system? Are you finishing building a new home and you need an AC system for it? If so, you may be thinking about the air conditioning options that are available to you. A great option for many homeowners is a ductless mini split air conditioning system. We wanted to use this blog post to let our customers know exactly what ductless AC systems are and when they’re a good idea. Give us a call here at OASIS Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Inc. if you have any questions or if you need professional Alexandria, VA air conditioning installation services.

Most homeowners are used to the idea of an air conditioning system using a series of ducts to circulate cool air throughout your home. But there are ductless systems that offer some pretty attractive benefits over traditional forced-air systems.

Ductless mini split air conditioning and heating systems use wall-mounted units in each room or zone of the house. Each unit circulates the air in its particular area and either cools or heats it. All the units are connected to one or two central outdoor units similar to the outdoor condensing unit that is used with traditional central AC system. The installation process is actually very simple. The outdoor unit is installed away from the home. A small hole needs to be drilled in your walls to run refrigerant tubes and electrical wires to connect the indoor units and the outdoor unit; then the indoor units just need to be mounted on the wall in an appropriate place.

Benefits of Ductless Air Conditioning

Ductless mini split air conditioning system offer some unique benefits. First, they allow homeowners to control the temperature of different areas of their house independently of each other. This could reduce energy usage because you’ll only need to cool or heat the rooms that you’re using. Second, ductless mini split AC systems don’t have the energy loss that is associated with ducts. And since they don’t use ducts, they can also help keep the air in your home clean and avoid dust build-up.

The best way to tell if a ductless mini split air conditioning system is right for you is to work with a professional Alexandria, VA air conditioning installation technician. Call OASIS Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Inc. today.

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